" Health is Wealth. Peace of Mind is Happiness. Yoga Shows the Way. " Swami Vishnu-Devananda

10 December 2009

Yoga Workshops (all levels) in January 2010

These two workshops are specially tailored to relieve back pain and combat stress.
They will help you to deepen your practice of Yoga through an in depth look at Breathing (Pranayama) and Postures (Asanas).

Saturday 9 January 2010

Workshop 1 "Yoga and the Breath"
- proper breathing in the yoga postures
- methods for strengthening the nervous and cardiovascular systems
- deepening the relaxation experience

Saturday 16 January 2010

Workshop 2 "Yoga for the Spine"

- individual postural analysis
- detailed adjustment for body alignment in the postures
- strength and flexibility of the spine

One workshop: £18 / £15(conc.)
Two workshops: £34 / £28(conc.)

Greenwich West Community&Arts Centre